Sunday, August 17, 2008

Get Rid Of All Errors On Your Credit Report

Category: Finance, Credit.

With so much information you receive and all the astonishing offers to fix your spoiled credit, it is almost impossible to believe that almost 80% of problems can be easily solved by only focusing on a particular part of a credit report. Here you can find the description of three major credit problems and the fastest way to get rid of them.

It is even possible to improve the credit score within a month. If credit card balances go beyond 30% of the credit limit: 1) cover the credit cards to less than 30% of the credit limit. 2) apply to the credit card company with the request to raise the limit without pulling your credit score. 3) in case you have some credit cards which contain low balances, move money from one card to another in order to make each have less than 30% of the balance. 4) in case you are getting a mortgage in four months, get a new credit card and move balances in order to make each have less than 30% of the credit limit. However, be sure to focus only on the most important errors that occurred within the last 2 years. Get rid of all errors on your credit report. The priorities are: 1) information, which is mentioned more than once. Do not waste time to concentrate on date of birth, name of employer, address, and other unessential information older than 2 years.

Remember to check if it is correct everywhere. 2) negative payment record. 3) accounts that do not belong to you. 4) collection notices that do not belong to you. 5) Social Security Numbers that do not belong to you. 6) correctness of credit limits. Collections and charges- off appearing on your credit report: 1) avoid paying a collection until the creditor has not agreed to remove the collection in writing. 2) two and more years old collections are not worth worrying about. 3) always discuss charge- offs before you make a payment, since majority of creditors will agree on 50% of the remaining balance. By concentrating on these three major areas of your credit report, you can noticeably improve your credit score within a comparatively short period of time.

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